Staying at home does not mean being inactive. Because the lifestyle is less active can reduce body immunity. Then what exercises can be done in limited conditions? Staying at home as recommended by the government to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission, opens up great opportunities for us to live an inactive lifestyle.
Seeing this, the Association of Sports Medicine Specialists (PDSKO) appealed to remain active during the Covid-19 pandemic. Studies show that sedentary lifestyles can reduce the body’s immunity so that the risk of contracting a viral infection also increases.
Not actively making individual health decline, the body immunity becomes bad. Psychologically it will bring us to a state of stress,” said Dr. Michael Triangto Spko.
The same thing was said by British Olympic athlete and Herbalife Vice President Worldwide Sports Performance and Fitness Samantha Clayton. According to him, during physical activity, the body will release endorphins naturally. This increase in happy hormones can improve mood, self-confidence, and help reduce stress levels.
Samantha Advice For body immunity:
Regular exercise is also widely associated with an increase in heart health, bone density, joint mobility, cognition, mood, metabolic function, to an increase in muscle mass and strength,” Samantha said.
Then what sports can do at home? Before answering this, Dr. Michael first corrects the myths that develop in society. That exercise must can tired, sore, and sweat a lot. “This is a sport for achievement, not for health,” he explained.
Dr. Michael Advice To immunity:
Simple movements that can do, for example sitting in a chair raised knee, then move the feet like pedaling a bicycle. While lying down can also, lift your legs and make a pedaling motion, “said Dr. Michael.
This exercise is mild with repetitive intensity. Push-ups can do for example on the wall or table. As for weight training at home, you can use bottled mineral water.” physical will overcome the difficulty sleeping because staying at home usually sleeps day and night so it is difficult to sleep, “he added. Medium intensity physical exercise can improve the immune system.
Conversely, high-intensity physical exercise can actually decrease immunity. Called moderate intensity if, during exercise, individuals can still talk even though breathing heavily. While high-intensity exercise, individuals can no longer talk. PDSKO recommends aerobic exercise, including brisk walking around the house or going up and downstairs for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.
You can also choose dancing, aerobics via YouTube, or jump rope. For muscle strength training, you can download the application on a smartphone. This exercise includes squats, lunges, and push-ups. As for stretching, it recommends to do it every two hours, avoid sitting all day. Do a static stretch by holding it for 10-15 seconds.